Putting Mathematics in the Service of Humanity

  • Thursday, November 5, 2020
  • 2:40 PM–3:45 PM
  • North Hall 276

The Mathematics and Statistics Department welcomes Dr. Victor Piercey to speak on Mathematics, Social Justice and Ethics.

The Mathematics and Statistics Department welcomes Dr. Victor Piercey, of Ferris State University, who will be the featured speaker at their Colloquium on November 5 at 3:40 pm, in North Hall 276. Dr. Piercey's lecture is entitled: "Mathematics, Social Justice, and Ethics: Putting Mathematics in the Service of Humanity." If you would like to join remotely, contact Nathan Sunukjian at nss9@calvin.edu.

Mathematics is often thought to be sufficiently abstract as to be devoid of human consequence. However, as technology has grown, the impact of mathematics on our lives, both negative and positive, has become impossible to ignore. In this talk I will share examples illustrating how I have integrated mathematics, social justice, and ethics in my teaching. This includes teaching in general education and service courses as well as plans for doing so in our actuarial science program. I will also share resources and advice for those wishing to teach mathematics in the service of humanity.

Location details

North Hall 276