Tenebrae Worship

The service of Tenebrae, meaning “darkness” or “shadows,” is a prolonged meditation on Christ’s suffering. Readings trace the story of Christ’s passion, music portrays his pathos, and the power of silence and darkness suggests the drama of this momentous day. As lights are extinguished, we ponder the depth of Christ’s suffering and death; we remember the cataclysmic nature of his sacrifice as we hear the over-whelming sound of the “strepitus”; and through the small but persistent flame of the Christ candle, which departs until Resurrection morning, we celebrate the ultimate victory. 

This service will be in-person led by members of the Calvin community including the Calvin University Capella led by Dr. Pearl Shangkuan at 6pm on Sunday, April 10. The service will also be YouTube premiered on Friday, April 15 at 12:00pm: https://www.youtube.com/user/worshiprenewal