Wild Hope: Stories for Lent from The Vanishing

  • Friday, February 19, 2021
  • 1:30 PM–2:30 PM

BIO295: Biology Seminar Series

Wild Hope: Stories for Lent from the Vanishing

Guest Speaker: Gayle Boss, freelance writer

Pangolins and polar bears, olms, lemurs, and leopards -- creatures magnificent, delicate, and intricate are vanishing from the planet at a faster rate than at any other time in Earth’s history. Stories, more than facts, about these creatures can thaw our stiff hearts and wake us to greater compassion—which is what Lent, meaning “springtime,” has always been for. And when our compassion comes alive, it wakes in us a wild hope that from all this death and ruin, something new could rise. In fact, as these stories also attest, our Hope, though wild, is not impossible and is already loose in the world. Join us on the first Friday in Lent as Gayle Boss talks about her book, "Wild Hope: Stories for Lent from the Vanishing". 

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