Partisan Gerrymandering and Computer Simulations

  • Tuesday, November 5, 2019
  • 2:40 PM–3:30 PM
  • Location TBD

Jowei Chen, University of Michigan

In recent years, numerous state and federal courts have heard challenges to legislative redistricting maps on partisan grounds.  How do we determine whether a redistricting plan was intentionally drawn to favor one party or another?  In this presentation, Jowei Chen discusses his work using computer simulation models to produce thousands of partisan-neutral maps for congressional and state legislative districts.  He analyzes how states’ enacted districting maps compare to these computer-simulated maps along traditional redistricting criteria and along partisanship.  These comparisons have been used to help courts evaluate whether redistricting maps exhibit partisan bias.

Refreshments precede the talk at 3:30 p.m. in NH 282.