Calvin Gets $50k for DNA

From: Phil de Haan <>
Date: Wed Sep 12 2007 - 11:34:50 EDT

September 12, 2007 == MEDIA ADVISORY

Summary: Calvin College has received almost $50,000 to purchase a state-of-the-art DNA sequencer.

Full story see
A $49,500 educational matching grant from Beckman-Coulter, Inc. will allow the biology department at Calvin College to purchase a capillary electrophoresis DNA sequencer.

The state-of-the-art DNA sequencer, which replacesa 10-year old model, will give Calvin's biology and biotechnology programs increased technological oomph for performing research.

"We have a whole family of equipment that allows us to study and manipulate DNA, and this sequencer will be the star of that collection," says Calvin biology professor David DeHeer. "The very best way to understand organisms these days is by their DNA, and we're giving students chances to do that."

DeHeer notes that the technology of DNA sequencing is getting better and better, and says the labs that are researching whole genomes, like the human genome, are using the same equipment Calvin will purchase.

The Calvin biology and biotechnology programs will be exercising the new machine's capabilities with a whole array of research projects.

Biology professor Arlene Hoogewerf, who researches the bacterial formation of biolfilms, plans to use the sequencer to identify genes in bacteria that would make that particular bacteria resist a human's immune function.

DeHeer plans to use the sequencer in a forensics class he teaches during the January Interim and the new equipment will also be used to determine the parentage of plants -- specifically a hybrid species of poplars.

The CEQ 8800 will offer Calvin biology and biotechnology majors many chances to sharpen the skills that are necessary for a successful research career, said DeHeer, whether in a research or forensics lab or in graduate school.

Contact DeHeer at 616-526-6083

Received on Wed Sep 12 11:35:24 2007

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