June 13, 2007 == MEDIA ADVISORY
Summary: Calvin College will host 77 high school students of color for almost four weeks as part of the annual Entrada Scholars Program on campus.
Full story see http://www.calvin.edu/news/releases/2006-07/entrada.htm
On Sunday, June 17, 77 high school students from 14 states and 3 countries will move into the Kalsbeek-Huizenga residence hall at Calvin College for the 2007 Entrada Scholars Program.
Entrada, Spanish for "gateway," immerses high school junior and senior students of color in a college experience, the core of which is academic excellence. Entrada scholars, each of whom receives a $2,500 scholarship to attend the program, are high-achieving students nominated for the program by their pastors, guidance counselors, teachers and community leaders.
The Entrada experience is built around a three-week college course. The scholars enroll in one of six Calvin summer classes -- communications, biology, psychology, English, history or philosophy -- side by side in the classroom with regular Calvin summer students.
"From the application process until the moment they come on campus, we communicate that this is a scholars program and that we expect excellence of anyone who is admitted to it," says Tasha Paul, the assistant director of Pre-College Programs who administers Entrada. "And time and time again, they meet and exceed our expectations of them as scholars and as leaders in all areas of their lives -- not just academically, but socially and spiritually as well."
The juniors and seniors hail from schools in California, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Mexico, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, Wisconsin -- as well as Vancouver, British Columbia and Bogota, Columbia.
They live in a Calvin dorm, eat in the dining hall, study in the library, work in the computer labs and shoot hoops in the gym. They also attend area churches, participate in service projects off campus and enjoy an occasional outing to a beach or water park.
Entrada concludes each year with commencement exercises, which will take place this year at 11 a.m. on Friday, July 13 in Calvin's Gezon Auditorium.
Contact Tasha Paul at 616-526-6888 or trp2@calvin.edu
Received on Wed Jun 13 10:55:27 2007
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