New Calvin Prof Makes Mark on Jeopardy

From: Phil de Haan <>
Date: Thu May 17 2007 - 15:39:25 EDT

May 17, 2007 == MEDIA ADVISORY

An incoming professor of sociology at Calvin College will be featured tomorrow
night (Friday, May 18) on Jeopardy, trying to unseat the defending champion.

Martin Hughes is currently a professor of sociology at Indiana University of
Pennsylvania (located in Indiana, Penn.). He's currently in the process of
selling his house as he and his family ready to move to Grand Rapids, where he
will become a member of the Calvin sociology department this fall.

A lifelong Jeopardy fan who hails from Arizona originally, Hughes says it was
a dream come true to appear on Jeopardy (the show of course will not allow him
to say publicly how he did), but also a dream come true to become a Calvin
faculty member (the college of course will allow him to talk publicly about

"My area of academic interest," he says, "is organizations, particularly
colleges and universities. I've always been interested in Christian colleges
and I believe in the mission of Christian education. So to get a job at Calvin
for me is pretty much the holy grail."

Hughes is a 1993 graduate of Gordon College, Mass., with master's degrees from
Tufts and Arizona and also a Ph.D. in sociology from Arizona.

For a pic and video clip see
Contact Hughes at 724-599-4551

Received on Thu May 17 15:39:48 2007

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