December 12 , 2006 == MEDIA ADVISORY
The second annual Faith and International Development Conference will be held at Calvin College Thursday through Saturday, February 1-3, 2007.
The goal of the conference*which aims to draw 600 students from around the U.S. and Canada (twice the number of last year's attendees)*is to take a deeper look at the issues surrounding faith and development.
The 2007 conference is sponsored by the Christian Reformed World Relief Committee, the Mennonite Central Committee, Bread for the World, and Calvin's Lilly Vocation Project, and will focus on such topics as global health, environmental care, and economic justice. Among the keynote speakers is Augusto de la Torre, World Bank senior regional financial sector advisor for Latin America and the Caribbean.
As with the 2006 event, students will stay in Calvin dorms with student hosts.
The Four Corners Café, located in the chapel undercroft and serving fair trade coffee, will provide students with a social hub. Various development organizations will sponsor booths at the conference, allowing students the chance to explore internship and career possibilities in development.
For the full story see
Also see the conference website at
Received on Mon Dec 11 15:41:48 2006
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