June 9, 2006 == MEDIA ADVISORY
Calvin College English professor John Netland was one of dozens of professors
at the nation's top colleges and universities to take part in a recent study on
what educated people need to know about the Bible.
The study, funded by the John Templeton Foundation, is entitled Bible Literacy
Report II: What University Professors Say Incoming Students Need to Know.
The results were released this month 1 by the Bible Literacy Project at an
academic symposium on the Bible at Baylor University.
The Bible Literacy Project believes the Bible should be studied in public
schools and created the first student textbook for public high schools: The
Bible and Its Influence, which can be used with the Bible itself as core text
in English or Social Studies electives. See www.bibleliteracy.org
The recent Bible Literacy Report II surveyed 39 English professors at 34 top
U.S. colleges and universities. Their conclusion: knowledge of the Bible is a
deeply important part of a good education.
All but one of the professors said knowledge of the Bible was important for
students in their classes and 18 of the professors surveyed said students know
less about the Bible now than when the professors began teaching.
"The virtual unanimity and depth of their responses on this question were
striking," says Dr. Marie Wachlin, researcher and author of the Bible Literacy
Report II. "The Bible is not only a sacred scripture to millions of Americans,
it is also arguably, as one professor put it, the most influential text in all
of Western culture."
Netland agrees. He says knowledge of the Bible impacts students' ability to
understand both modern and ancient literature.
"The findings of this study," he says, "confirm what those of us who teach in
church-related institutions have long believed -- that Biblical literacy is an
invaluable benefit for a rich, well-rounded liberal arts education. But there
are also some sobering reminders in this study that we as a culture, and I
would include our Christian communities as well, are less familiar with the
Bible than previous generations were."
Contact Netland at netj@calvin.edu or 616-526-6570
For the Bible Literacy Project press release see:
Received on Fri Jun 9 12:13:10 2006
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