Calvin to Host Expert on Religion and Reproduction

From: Phil de Haan <>
Date: Thu Mar 31 2005 - 09:52:12 EST

March 31, 2005 == MEDIA ADVISORY

The annual Bouma Lecture at Calvin College will be on a timely topic:
religion and human reproductive genetics.

John Evans, a professor at the University of California at San Diego, will
deliver the talk on Friday, April 8 at 3:30 p.m. at Calvin in Science Building

The title is "What Religious People Think of Reproductive Genetic

Says Evans: "I believe that religion will be the axis of conflict on
reproductive genetics, like it has become on the abortion debate.
Understanding the roots of this conflict is imperative."

Evans says that the religious beliefs of average Americans are central to
predicting their attitudes about these technologies.

"People who know nothing about reproductive genetics reach to the religious
parts of their mind, so to speak," he says, "when struggling to form an
opinion, often saying these technologies are playing God."

Evans is currently completing work for the Pew Charitable Trusts and the
Genetics and Public Policy Center on how the religious laity - the people on
the pews - feel about such things as cloning, embryo screening, in vitro
fertilization and more.

The Genetics and Public Policy Center is engaged in an ambitious qualitative
research project to map out both what various stakeholder groups (physicians,
people with genetic disease), and subsets of the general public (African
Americans, women) think about reproductive genetics. One of the subsets under
investigation is the religious public.

Evans' interviews cut across a wide variety of religious lines, including
Catholics, Protestants and Jews. And he found that there were differences in
the ways that different groups both draw the lines and defend the lines they
have drawn.

Calvin sociologist Jeff Tatum worked on the research project while a graduate
student at the University of Virginia, doing data gathering. Since those
efforts he has both stayed in touch with Evans and expanded his own research
into the intersections of law and ethics, particularly as they relate to
assisted suicide.

In fact, during Calvin's recent spring break, Tatum (who spent eight years in
full-time legal practice in New Mexico, after completing B.A. and J.D. degrees
at Texas Tech University) spoke at a conference at Georgetown University where
his topic was be the right to die, including the implications of the Florida
Terri Schiavo case.

Meanwhile, in his lecture at Calvin, Evans will give preliminary findings from
his nation-wide study.

He will give examples from the interview data about topics such as whether
different religious traditions hold different notions of suffering, which in
turn lead to different conclusions about the need for these technologies. He
will also present findings on how the public thinks we should debate these
topics: whether we should use our religious language in debates about these
most religious of topics.

In 2002 Evans wrote "Playing God? Human Genetic Engineering and the
Rationalization of Public Bioethical Debate."

Journal articles he has written include: "Commodifying Life? A Pilot Study
of Opinions Regarding Financial Incentives for Organ Donation" and "A Brave New
World? How Genetic Technology Might Change Us."

The Bouma Lecture is sponsored annually by the department of sociology and
social work in honor of former professor Donald Bouma.

Contact Calvin professor Jeff Tatum at 616-526-7259 or

Received on Thu Mar 31 23:59:04 2005

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