March 1, 2005 == MEDIA ADVISORY
Henry DeVries, vice president for administration, finance and information
services at Calvin College, has been elected to the Board of the Central
Association of College and University Business Officers (CACUBO). The Board of
Directors is the governing body of the association.
CACUBO is a non-profit professional organization which was established in 1909
when business officers from six midwestern state institutions met to discuss
accounting and financial reporting.
The CACUBO website notes that for almost 100 years since that first
get-together "CACUBO has offered school, college, and university business
officers opportunities to develop professionally, share thoughts, problems and
solutions, enjoy a forum for professional and social contact with colleagues,
and speak in concert on matters affecting higher education."
CACUBO was the first regional association of business officers to be
established and has grown to 738 members. CACUBO is one of four regional
associations (Central, Eastern, Southern, Western) making up the National
Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO).
CACUBO members represent higher education institutions large and small, public
and private, from community colleges to small independent institutions to large
research institutions.
DeVries says that CACUBO is a volunteer-led association, without paid staff,
that operates using a committee structure, and that being elected to the Board
is both an honor and a responsibility.
"It's not window dressing," he says with a chuckle. "People who volunteer
their time to CACUBO - people like the Board - are expected to make a
contribution. But it's a contribution I'm happy to make. I've really enjoyed
getting to know the good work CACUBO does, and I've benefitted from it. It
will be a privilege to give something back."
DeVries notes that professional development remains a top priority of CACUBO.
Five major program offerings have been provided for the professional
development of its members, including an annual meeting each fall, the two-year
Collegiate Management Institute (designed to provide leadership development
opportunities for higher education personnel from a wide variety of campus
departments), the St. Louis Professional Development Workshop, the Higher
Education Accounting Workshop, and the Current Issues Workshop.
Received on Tue Mar 1 10:07:13 2005
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