Calvin's UNLEARN Week begins October 10

From: Phil deHaan <>
Date: Fri Oct 08 2004 - 13:07:54 EDT

October 8, 2004 == MEDIA ADVISORY

The Multicultural Student Advisory Board at Calvin College will sponsor
"UNLEARN Week" October 10-15.

The week is so-named because it's intended to help the Calvin community
"unlearn the many false ideas, generalizations, stereotypes and assumptions
learned as a result of cultural influences within society."

"The goal of the week," says Calvin's Jacque Rhodes, "is to give everyone an
opportunity to explore the sin of learned racism and how to give Christ-like
love to all people."

The week's activities are designed and implemented by the Multicultural
Student Advisory Board and the schedule includes lectures, panel discussions,
daily chapels and other events which try to breakdown ignorance and
misunderstanding, while fostering racial reconciliation, cultural appreciation
and an authentic Christian community.

Says Rhodes: "UNLEARN week programs in the past have led to many
thought-provoking interactions on the topic of racism and reconciliation. This,
in turn, has led to greater participation in ongoing programs and continued
dialogue in other forums, including the student newspaper, residence hall
programs, classrooms settings and personal conversations."

Also see

Sunday, October 10 - an 8 pm Sunday-evening worship service in the Calvin
Chapel featuring testimonials from a Calvin alum and a current student

Monday, October 11 - a 3:30 pm showing of "The People Who Met Columbus" as
part of Columbus Day in the Commons Lecture Hall
Monday, October 11 - a 7 pm talk in the Fish House (student coffee shop)
entitled " Just Because I'm White Doesn't Mean I'm Racist," considering a
white man's perspective on racism and reconciliation
Monday, October 11 - a 7:30 pm panel on Hispanic immigration entitled "La
Immigracion Hispana" in the Commons Lecture Hall
Monday, October 11 - an 8:30 pm presentation in the Chapel Undercroft called

Tuesday, October 12 - a 10 am Chapel Service
Tuesday, October 12 - a 4 pm panel discussion on "UNLEARNing the Myths of
Disabilities" in the Calvin Meeter Center, featuring students with personal
experiences dealing with discrimination
Tuesday, October 12 - a 7 pm forum in the Calvin Meeter Center on
International Racism

Wednesday, October 13 - a repeat of Monday's "Why UNLEARN?" event, but this
time at 12:30 pm on the Commons Lawn
Wednesday, October 13 - a 3 to 6 pm hosting of Hot Talk 640 AM's radio show
called "The Drive," featuring Tyrone Bynum on the Mis-education of African
Americans in the Media
Wednesday, October 13 - a Barnabas prayer dinner at 5 pm, including a meal and
a time of prayer for world racial issues
Wednesday, October 13 - a 7:30 pm talk in the Calvin Chapel by Heather Gemmen

Thursday, October 14 - a 10 am Chapel Service featuring a drama and the Calvin
College Gospel Choir
Thursday, October 14 - an 8 pm Jazz Vespers service in the Fish House/Cave,
featuring poetry and jazz with a reconciliation theme

Friday, October 15 - a 10 am Chapel Service
Friday, October 15 - a 12 pm to 2 pm Reconciliation Celebration on the patio
outside Johnny's (the student coffee shop), featuring "refreshments and
fellowship as we close the week in unity."

Contact Jacque Rhodes at 526-6081
Also see

Received on Fri Oct 8 13:08:10 2004

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