Calvin Students Move Out and Donate to Local Church

From: Phil deHaan (
Date: Wed May 21 2003 - 14:08:50 EDT

  • Next message: Phil deHaan: "Calvin Board Wraps Final Meeting of 2003"

    May 21, 2003 == MEDIA ADVISORY

    When college students move from their on-campus housing at the end of the
    school year they often leave a lot behind. What to do with all that stuff is a
    vexing question for colleges and universities.

    At Calvin College the answer for the last 10 years or so has been to work with
    a local church - Oakdale Park Christian Reformed Church - to turn the leftovers
    into cold, hard cash for the church. Students are told at the end of the
    semester that anything they can't or don't want to take home can be donated to
    the church. There are drop boxes for the students and everything is collected
    and left in the lobby of each residence hall. After students have all moved
    out, Oakdale Park volunteers collect the goods.

    So on Thursday, May 22 volunteers from Oakdale Park will meet at their church
    at 10:30 a.m. and then head over to the Calvin residence halls to pick up the
    donations. They plan to be to Calvin by about 11 a.m. and will spend about an
    hour driving from hall to hall, loading the donations into their vehicles. On
    Tuesday, May 27 the volunteers will make a similar run to the Calvin Knollcrest
    East Apartments. That pick-up will be at about 10 a.m.

    Then, on June 19-21 Oakdale Park will hold a gigantic yard sale, selling not
    only the Calvin donations, but also a variety of other items. All of the
    proceeds go to fund youth ministries at the church. Most years the sale clears
    around $4,000, with about half of the proceeds coming from the items donated by
    Calvin students.

    John Witte, dean of residence life at Calvin, says it's a win-win situation.

    "Students like the idea of being able to give away items that they don't want
    to bring home," he says. "And Oakdale Park gets good, quality clothing for
    their sale. It's really a nice way to cut down on garbage and promote
    stewardship of our resources."

    Contact John Witte of Calvin at 526-6546 or Deb Tuitel of Oakdale Park CRC at
    862-8039 (cell phone)


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