Calvin Worship Institute Adds Spanish and Korean-Language Resources

From: Phil deHaan (
Date: Tue Sep 17 2002 - 15:39:33 EDT

  • Next message: Phil deHaan: "Calvin Will Host Area College Night"

    Thanks to a $7 million grant from the Lilly Endowment the Calvin Institute of
    Christian Worship is expanding its resources to reach a wider variety of

    One such example is the recently revamped Worship Institute website at

    Among the new additions to the site are resources in Spanish and Korean.

    The Spanish site, found at, includes such
    things as an interview with New York City church choir conductor Jorge Lockward;
    the litany for a Spanish-English service at Lockward's church (West End
    Presbyterian in NYC); a four-week teaching series with resources for worship
    planning, sermon discussion, and home devotions; and a Q&A on three meanings of
    the term worship.

    Lockward's choir, Coro Cantico Nuevo, will be back at Calvin in January 2003
    for the Symposium on Worship and the Arts hosted by the Institute. That choir
    is 25 musicians from all over New York city, representing multiple Latino

    John Witvliet, director of the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship, says the
    efforts to be multilingual are all part of the Institute's mission to look
    beyond West Michigan, and indeed, beyond North America, when considering the
    questions surrounding Christian worship.

    "We can learn a lot from other traditions, other cultures, other countries," he
    says. "And we also hope to be a resource for those with whom we are

    Witvliet says the first round of materials is just the beginning. In the
    coming months more Spanish and Korean resources will be added. And the
    Institute will look at adding resources for other languages, including Chinese.

    Contact John Witvliet at 616-957-6806


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